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Here you will find infor­ma­ti­on about your coo­ki­es: You can chan­ge the set­tings by clic­king on the but­ton and find the con­sent his­tory in the coo­kie box that then opens. Gene­ral in­for­ma­tion about coo­ki­es can be found in the pri­vacy policy.

Privacy Statement

1. An overview of data protection

General information

The fol­lowing infor­ma­ti­on will pro­vi­de you with an easy to navi­ga­te over­vi­ew of what will hap­pen with your per­so­nal data when you visit this web­si­te. The term “per­so­nal data” com­pri­ses all data that can be used to per­so­nally iden­tify you. For detai­led infor­ma­ti­on about the sub­ject mat­ter of data pro­tec­ti­on, ple­a­se con­sult our Data Pro­tec­ti­on Decla­ra­ti­on, whi­ch we have inclu­ded bene­ath this copy.

Data recording on this website

Who is the responsible party for the recording of data on this website (i.e., the “controller”)?

The data on this web­si­te is pro­ces­sed by the ope­ra­tor of the web­si­te, who­se con­tact infor­ma­ti­on is avai­la­ble under sec­ti­on “Infor­ma­ti­on about the res­pon­si­ble party (refer­red to as the “con­trol­ler” in the GDPR)” in this Pri­vacy Policy.

How do we record your data?

We col­lect your data as a result of your sha­ring of your data with us. This may, for ins­tan­ce be infor­ma­ti­on you enter into our con­tact form.

Other data shall be recor­ded by our IT sys­tems auto­ma­ti­cally or after you con­sent to its recor­ding during your web­si­te visit. This data com­pri­ses pri­ma­rily tech­ni­cal infor­ma­ti­on (e.g., web brow­ser, ope­ra­ting sys­tem, or time the site was acces­sed). This infor­ma­ti­on is recor­ded auto­ma­ti­cally when you access this web­si­te.

What are the purposes we use your data for?

A por­ti­on of the infor­ma­ti­on is gene­ra­ted to gua­ran­tee the error free pro­vi­si­on of the web­si­te. Other data may be used to analy­ze your user pat­terns.

What rights do you have as far as your information is concerned?

You have the right to recei­ve infor­ma­ti­on about the sour­ce, reci­pi­ents, and pur­po­ses of your archi­ved per­so­nal data at any time without having to pay a fee for such dis­clo­su­res. You also have the right to demand that your data are rec­ti­fi­ed or era­di­ca­ted. If you have con­sen­ted to data pro­ces­sing, you have the opti­on to revo­ke this con­sent at any time, whi­ch shall affect all futu­re data pro­ces­sing. More­o­ver, you have the right to demand that the pro­ces­sing of your data be res­tric­ted under cer­tain cir­cums­tan­ces. Further­mo­re, you have the right to log a com­plaint with the com­pe­tent super­vi­sing agency.

Ple­a­se do not hesi­ta­te to con­tact us at any time if you have ques­ti­ons about this or any other data pro­tec­ti­on rela­ted issu­es.

Analysis tools and tools provided by third parties

The­re is a pos­si­bi­lity that your brow­sing pat­terns will be sta­tis­ti­cally analy­zed when your visit this web­si­te. Such analy­ses are per­for­med pri­ma­rily with what we refer to as analy­sis pro­grams.

For detai­led infor­ma­ti­on about the­se analy­sis pro­grams ple­a­se con­sult our Data Pro­tec­ti­on Decla­ra­ti­on below.

2. Hosting

We are hos­ting the con­tent of our web­si­te at the fol­lowing pro­vi­der:

External Hosting

This web­si­te is hos­ted exter­nally. Per­so­nal data col­lec­ted on this web­si­te are sto­red on the ser­vers of the host. The­se may inclu­de, but are not limi­ted to, IP addres­ses, con­tact requests, meta­da­ta and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons, con­tract infor­ma­ti­on, con­tact infor­ma­ti­on, names, web page access, and other data gene­ra­ted through a web site.

The exter­nal hos­ting ser­ves the pur­po­se of ful­fil­ling the con­tract with our poten­ti­al and exis­ting cus­to­mers (Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR) and in the inte­rest of secu­re, fast, and effi­ci­ent pro­vi­si­on of our onli­ne ser­vi­ces by a pro­fes­si­o­nal pro­vi­der (Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR). If appro­pri­a­te con­sent has been obtai­ned, the pro­ces­sing is car­ri­ed out exclu­si­vely on the basis of Art. 6 (1)(a) GDPR and § 25 (1) TDDDG, inso­far the con­sent inclu­des the sto­ra­ge of coo­ki­es or the access to infor­ma­ti­on in the user's end devi­ce (e.g., devi­ce fin­ger­prin­ting) within the mea­ning of the TDDDG. This con­sent can be revo­ked at any time.

Our host(s) will only pro­cess your data to the extent neces­sary to ful­fil its per­for­man­ce obli­ga­ti­ons and to fol­low our ins­truc­ti­ons with res­pect to such data.

We are using the fol­lowing host(s):

Vari­o­me­dia AG
August-Bebel-Straße 68
14482 Pots­dam

3. General information and mandatory information

Data protection

The ope­ra­tors of this web­si­te and its pages take the pro­tec­ti­on of your per­so­nal data very seri­ously. Hen­ce, we han­dle your per­so­nal data as con­fi­den­ti­al infor­ma­ti­on and in com­pli­an­ce with the sta­tu­tory data pro­tec­ti­on regu­la­ti­ons and this Data Pro­tec­ti­on Decla­ra­ti­on.

Whe­ne­ver you use this web­si­te, a vari­ety of per­so­nal infor­ma­ti­on will be col­lec­ted. Per­so­nal data com­pri­ses data that can be used to per­so­nally iden­tify you. This Data Pro­tec­ti­on Decla­ra­ti­on explains whi­ch data we col­lect as well as the pur­po­ses we use this data for. It also explains how, and for whi­ch pur­po­se the infor­ma­ti­on is col­lec­ted.

We herewith advi­se you that the trans­mis­si­on of data via the Inter­net (i.e., through e-mail com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons) may be pro­ne to secu­rity gaps. It is not pos­si­ble to com­ple­tely pro­tect data against third-party access.

Information about the responsible party (referred to as the “controller” in the GDPR)

The data pro­ces­sing con­trol­ler on this web­si­te is:

Prof. Dr. Vera de Hes­sel­le
Mana­ge­ment­be­ra­tung - Steu­er­be­ra­tung
Mana­ge­ment con­sul­ting - Tax con­sul­ting
Con­sul­to­ria de Ges­tão - Con­sul­to­ria Fis­cal
Bon­ner Straße 8
D-28844 Weyhe

Pho­ne: teno

The con­trol­ler is the natu­ral per­son or legal entity that sin­gle-han­de­dly or join­tly with others makes deci­si­ons as to the pur­po­ses of and resour­ces for the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data (e.g., names, e-mail addres­ses, etc.).

Storage duration

Unless a more spe­ci­fic sto­ra­ge peri­od has been spe­ci­fi­ed in this pri­vacy policy, your per­so­nal data will remain with us until the pur­po­se for whi­ch it was col­lec­ted no lon­ger appli­es. If you assert a jus­ti­fi­ed request for dele­ti­on or revo­ke your con­sent to data pro­ces­sing, your data will be dele­ted, unless we have other legally per­mis­si­ble rea­sons for sto­ring your per­so­nal data (e.g., tax or com­mer­ci­al law reten­ti­on peri­ods); in the lat­ter case, the dele­ti­on will take pla­ce after the­se rea­sons cea­se to apply.

General information on the legal basis for the data processing on this website

If you have con­sen­ted to data pro­ces­sing, we pro­cess your per­so­nal data on the basis of Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR or Art. 9 (2)(a) GDPR, if spe­ci­al cate­go­ri­es of data are pro­ces­sed accor­ding to Art. 9 (1) DSG­VO. In the case of expli­cit con­sent to the trans­fer of per­so­nal data to third coun­tri­es, the data pro­ces­sing is also based on Art. 49 (1)(a) GDPR. If you have con­sen­ted to the sto­ra­ge of coo­ki­es or to the access to infor­ma­ti­on in your end devi­ce (e.g., via devi­ce fin­ger­prin­ting), the data pro­ces­sing is addi­ti­o­nally based on § 25 (1) TDDDG. The con­sent can be revo­ked at any time. If your data is requi­red for the ful­fill­ment of a con­tract or for the imple­men­ta­ti­on of pre-con­trac­tu­al mea­su­res, we pro­cess your data on the basis of Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR. Further­mo­re, if your data is requi­red for the ful­fill­ment of a legal obli­ga­ti­on, we pro­cess it on the basis of Art. 6(1)(c) GDPR. Further­mo­re, the data pro­ces­sing may be car­ri­ed out on the basis of our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest accor­ding to Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR. Infor­ma­ti­on on the rele­vant legal basis in each indi­vi­du­al case is pro­vi­ded in the fol­lowing para­graphs of this pri­vacy policy.

Information on the data transfer to third-party countries that are not secure under data protection law and the transfer to US companies that are not DPF-certified

We use, among other tech­no­lo­gi­es, tools from com­pa­ni­es loca­ted in third-party coun­tri­es that are not safe under data pro­tec­ti­on law, as well as US tools who­se pro­vi­ders are not cer­ti­fi­ed under the EU-US Data Pri­vacy Fra­mework (DPF). If the­se tools are ena­bled, your per­so­nal data may be trans­fer­red to and pro­ces­sed in the­se coun­tri­es. We would like you to note that no level of data pro­tec­ti­on com­pa­ra­ble to that in the EU can be gua­ran­te­ed in third coun­tri­es that are inse­cu­re in terms of data pro­tec­ti­on law.

We would like to point out that the US, as a secu­re third-party coun­try, gene­rally has a level of data pro­tec­ti­on com­pa­ra­ble to that of the EU. Data trans­fer to the US is the­re­fo­re per­mit­ted if the reci­pi­ent is cer­ti­fi­ed under the “EU-US Data Pri­vacy Fra­mework” (DPF) or has appro­pri­a­te addi­ti­o­nal assu­ran­ces. Infor­ma­ti­on on trans­fers to third-party coun­tri­es, inclu­ding the data reci­pi­ents, can be found in this Pri­vacy Policy.

Recipients of personal data

In the sco­pe of our busi­ness acti­vi­ti­es, we coo­pe­ra­te with vari­ous exter­nal par­ti­es. In some cases, this also requi­res the trans­fer of per­so­nal data to the­se exter­nal par­ti­es. We only dis­clo­se per­so­nal data to exter­nal par­ti­es if this is requi­red as part of the ful­fill­ment of a con­tract, if we are legally obli­ga­ted to do so (e.g., dis­clo­su­re of data to tax autho­ri­ti­es), if we have a legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest in the dis­clo­su­re pur­su­ant to Art. 6 (1)(f) GDPR, or if another legal basis per­mits the dis­clo­su­re of this data. When using pro­ces­sors, we only dis­clo­se per­so­nal data of our cus­to­mers on the basis of a valid con­tract on data pro­ces­sing. In the case of joint pro­ces­sing, a joint pro­ces­sing agre­e­ment is con­clu­ded.

Revocation of your consent to the processing of data

A wide ran­ge of data pro­ces­sing tran­sac­ti­ons are pos­si­ble only sub­ject to your express con­sent. You can also revo­ke at any time any con­sent you have alre­ady given us. This shall be without pre­ju­di­ce to the law­ful­ness of any data col­lec­ti­on that occur­red pri­or to your revo­ca­ti­on.

Right to object to the collection of data in special cases; right to object to direct advertising (Art. 21 GDPR)



Right to log a complaint with the competent supervisory agency

In the event of vio­la­ti­ons of the GDPR, data sub­jects are enti­tled to log a com­plaint with a super­vi­sory agency, in par­ti­cu­lar in the mem­ber sta­te whe­re they usu­ally main­tain their domi­ci­le, pla­ce of work or at the pla­ce whe­re the alle­ged vio­la­ti­on occur­red. The right to log a com­plaint is in effect regar­dless of any other admi­nis­tra­ti­ve or court pro­ce­e­dings avai­la­ble as legal recour­ses.

Right to data portability

You have the right to have data that we pro­cess auto­ma­ti­cally on the basis of your con­sent or in ful­fill­ment of a con­tract han­ded over to you or to a third party in a com­mon, machi­ne-rea­da­ble for­mat. If you should demand the direct trans­fer of the data to another con­trol­ler, this will be done only if it is tech­ni­cally fea­si­ble.

Information about, rectification and eradication of data

Within the sco­pe of the appli­ca­ble sta­tu­tory pro­vi­si­ons, you have the right to demand infor­ma­ti­on about your archi­ved per­so­nal data, their sour­ce and reci­pi­ents as well as the pur­po­se of the pro­ces­sing of your data at any time. You may also have a right to have your data rec­ti­fi­ed or era­di­ca­ted. If you have ques­ti­ons about this sub­ject mat­ter or any other ques­ti­ons about per­so­nal data, ple­a­se do not hesi­ta­te to con­tact us at any time.

Right to demand processing restrictions

You have the right to demand the impo­si­ti­on of res­tric­ti­ons as far as the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data is con­cer­ned. To do so, you may con­tact us at any time. The right to demand res­tric­ti­on of pro­ces­sing appli­es in the fol­lowing cases:

  • In the event that you should dis­pu­te the cor­rect­ness of your data archi­ved by us, we will usu­ally need some time to verify this claim. During the time that this inves­ti­ga­ti­on is ongoing, you have the right to demand that we res­trict the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data.
  • If the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data was/is con­duc­ted in an unlaw­ful man­ner, you have the opti­on to demand the res­tric­ti­on of the pro­ces­sing of your data ins­te­ad of deman­ding the era­di­ca­ti­on of this data.
  • If we do not need your per­so­nal data any lon­ger and you need it to exer­ci­se, defend or claim legal enti­tle­ments, you have the right to demand the res­tric­ti­on of the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data ins­te­ad of its era­di­ca­ti­on.
  • If you have rai­sed an objec­ti­on pur­su­ant to Art. 21(1) GDPR, your rights and our rights will have to be weighed against each other. As long as it has not been deter­mi­ned who­se inte­rests pre­vail, you have the right to demand a res­tric­ti­on of the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data.

If you have res­tric­ted the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data, the­se data – with the excep­ti­on of their archi­ving – may be pro­ces­sed only sub­ject to your con­sent or to claim, exer­ci­se or defend legal enti­tle­ments or to pro­tect the rights of other natu­ral per­sons or legal enti­ti­es or for impor­tant public inte­rest rea­sons cited by the Euro­pe­an Uni­on or a mem­ber sta­te of the EU.

SSL and/or TLS encryption

For secu­rity rea­sons and to pro­tect the trans­mis­si­on of con­fi­den­ti­al con­tent, such as pur­cha­se orders or inqui­ri­es you sub­mit to us as the web­si­te ope­ra­tor, this web­si­te uses either an SSL or a TLS encryp­ti­on pro­gram. You can recog­ni­ze an encryp­ted con­nec­ti­on by chec­king whether the address line of the brow­ser swit­ches from “http://” to “https://” and also by the appe­a­ran­ce of the lock icon in the brow­ser line.

If the SSL or TLS encryp­ti­on is acti­va­ted, data you trans­mit to us can­not be read by third par­ti­es.

Rejection of unsolicited e-mails

We herewith object to the use of con­tact infor­ma­ti­on published in con­junc­ti­on with the man­da­tory infor­ma­ti­on to be pro­vi­ded in our Site Noti­ce to send us pro­mo­ti­o­nal and infor­ma­ti­on mate­ri­al that we have not expres­sly reques­ted. The ope­ra­tors of this web­si­te and its pages reser­ve the express right to take legal acti­on in the event of the unso­li­ci­ted sen­ding of pro­mo­ti­o­nal infor­ma­ti­on, for ins­tan­ce via SPAM mes­sa­ges.

4. Recording of data on this website


Our web­si­tes and pages use what the indus­try refers to as “coo­ki­es.” Coo­ki­es are small data pac­ka­ges that do not cau­se any dama­ge to your devi­ce. They are either sto­red tem­po­ra­rily for the dura­ti­on of a ses­si­on (ses­si­on coo­ki­es) or they are per­ma­nen­tly archi­ved on your devi­ce (per­ma­nent coo­ki­es). Ses­si­on coo­ki­es are auto­ma­ti­cally dele­ted once you ter­mi­na­te your visit. Per­ma­nent coo­ki­es remain archi­ved on your devi­ce until you acti­vely dele­te them, or they are auto­ma­ti­cally era­di­ca­ted by your web brow­ser.

Coo­ki­es can be issu­ed by us (first-party coo­ki­es) or by third-party com­pa­ni­es (so-cal­led third-party coo­ki­es). Third-party coo­ki­es ena­ble the inte­gra­ti­on of cer­tain ser­vi­ces of third-party com­pa­ni­es into web­si­tes (e.g., coo­ki­es for han­dling pay­ment ser­vi­ces).

Coo­ki­es have a vari­ety of func­ti­ons. Many coo­ki­es are tech­ni­cally essen­ti­al sin­ce cer­tain web­si­te func­ti­ons would not work in the absen­ce of the­se coo­ki­es (e.g., the shop­ping cart func­ti­on or the dis­play of vide­os). Other coo­ki­es may be used to analy­ze user beha­vi­or or for pro­mo­ti­o­nal pur­po­ses.

Coo­ki­es, whi­ch are requi­red for the per­for­man­ce of elec­tro­nic com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on tran­sac­ti­ons, for the pro­vi­si­on of cer­tain func­ti­ons you want to use (e.g., for the shop­ping cart func­ti­on) or tho­se that are neces­sary for the opti­mi­za­ti­on (requi­red coo­ki­es) of the web­si­te (e.g., coo­ki­es that pro­vi­de mea­su­ra­ble insights into the web audi­en­ce), shall be sto­red on the basis of Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR, unless a dif­fe­rent legal basis is cited. The ope­ra­tor of the web­si­te has a legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest in the sto­ra­ge of requi­red coo­ki­es to ensu­re the tech­ni­cally error-free and opti­mi­zed pro­vi­si­on of the operator’s ser­vi­ces. If your con­sent to the sto­ra­ge of the coo­ki­es and simi­lar recog­ni­ti­on tech­no­lo­gi­es has been reques­ted, the pro­ces­sing occurs exclu­si­vely on the basis of the con­sent obtai­ned (Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR and § 25 (1) TDDDG); this con­sent may be revo­ked at any time.

You have the opti­on to set up your brow­ser in such a man­ner that you will be noti­fi­ed any time coo­ki­es are pla­ced and to per­mit the accep­tan­ce of coo­ki­es only in spe­ci­fic cases. You may also exclu­de the accep­tan­ce of coo­ki­es in cer­tain cases or in gene­ral or acti­va­te the dele­te-func­ti­on for the auto­ma­tic era­di­ca­ti­on of coo­ki­es when the brow­ser clo­ses. If coo­ki­es are deac­ti­va­ted, the func­ti­ons of this web­si­te may be limi­ted.

Whi­ch coo­ki­es and ser­vi­ces are used on this web­si­te can be found in this pri­vacy policy.

Consent with Borlabs Cookie

Our web­si­te uses the Bor­labs con­sent tech­no­logy to obtain your con­sent to the sto­ra­ge of cer­tain coo­ki­es in your brow­ser or for the use of cer­tain tech­no­lo­gi­es and for their data pri­vacy pro­tec­ti­on com­pli­ant docu­men­ta­ti­on. The pro­vi­der of this tech­no­logy is Bor­labs GmbH, Rüben­kamp 32, 22305 Ham­burg, Ger­many (herei­naf­ter refer­red to as Bor­labs).

Whe­ne­ver you visit our web­si­te, a Bor­labs coo­kie will be sto­red in your brow­ser, whi­ch archi­ves any decla­ra­ti­ons or revo­ca­ti­ons of con­sent you have ente­red. The­se data are not sha­red with the pro­vi­der of the Bor­labs tech­no­logy.

The recor­ded data shall remain archi­ved until you ask us to era­di­ca­te them, dele­te the Bor­labs coo­kie on your own or the pur­po­se of sto­ring the data no lon­ger exists. This shall be without pre­ju­di­ce to any reten­ti­on obli­ga­ti­ons man­da­ted by law. To revi­ew the details of Bor­labs’ data pro­ces­sing poli­ci­es, ple­a­se visit

We use the Bor­labs coo­kie con­sent tech­no­logy to obtain the decla­ra­ti­ons of con­sent man­da­ted by law for the use of coo­ki­es. The legal basis for the use of such coo­ki­es is Art. 6(1)(c) GDPR.

Server log files

The pro­vi­der of this web­si­te and its pages auto­ma­ti­cally col­lects and sto­res infor­ma­ti­on in so-cal­led ser­ver log files, whi­ch your brow­ser com­mu­ni­ca­tes to us auto­ma­ti­cally. The infor­ma­ti­on com­pri­ses:

  • The type and version of brow­ser used
  • The used ope­ra­ting sys­tem
  • Refer­rer URL
  • The host­na­me of the acces­sing com­pu­ter
  • The time of the ser­ver inquiry
  • The IP address

This data is not mer­ged with other data sour­ces.

This data is recor­ded on the basis of Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR. The ope­ra­tor of the web­si­te has a legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest in the tech­ni­cally error free depic­ti­on and the opti­mi­za­ti­on of the operator’s web­si­te. In order to achi­e­ve this, ser­ver log files must be recor­ded.

Contact form

If you sub­mit inqui­ri­es to us via our con­tact form, the infor­ma­ti­on pro­vi­ded in the con­tact form as well as any con­tact infor­ma­ti­on pro­vi­ded the­rein will be sto­red by us in order to han­dle your inquiry and in the event that we have further ques­ti­ons. We will not sha­re this infor­ma­ti­on without your con­sent.

The pro­ces­sing of the­se data is based on Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR, if your request is rela­ted to the exe­cu­ti­on of a con­tract or if it is neces­sary to car­ry out pre-con­trac­tu­al mea­su­res. In all other cases the pro­ces­sing is based on our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest in the effec­ti­ve pro­ces­sing of the requests addres­sed to us (Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR) or on your agre­e­ment (Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR) if this has been reques­ted; the con­sent can be revo­ked at any time.

The infor­ma­ti­on you have ente­red into the con­tact form shall remain with us until you ask us to era­di­ca­te the data, revo­ke your con­sent to the archi­ving of data or if the pur­po­se for whi­ch the infor­ma­ti­on is being archi­ved no lon­ger exists (e.g., after we have con­clu­ded our res­pon­se to your inquiry). This shall be without pre­ju­di­ce to any man­da­tory legal pro­vi­si­ons, in par­ti­cu­lar reten­ti­on peri­ods.

Request by e-mail, telephone, or fax

If you con­tact us by e-mail, telepho­ne or fax, your request, inclu­ding all resul­ting per­so­nal data (name, request) will be sto­red and pro­ces­sed by us for the pur­po­se of pro­ces­sing your request. We do not pass the­se data on without your con­sent.

The­se data are pro­ces­sed on the basis of Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR if your inquiry is rela­ted to the ful­fill­ment of a con­tract or is requi­red for the per­for­man­ce of pre-con­trac­tu­al mea­su­res. In all other cases, the data are pro­ces­sed on the basis of our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest in the effec­ti­ve han­dling of inqui­ri­es sub­mit­ted to us (Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR) or on the basis of your con­sent (Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR) if it has been obtai­ned; the con­sent can be revo­ked at any time.

The data sent by you to us via con­tact requests remain with us until you request us to dele­te, revo­ke your con­sent to the sto­ra­ge or the pur­po­se for the data sto­ra­ge lap­ses (e.g. after com­ple­ti­on of your request). Man­da­tory sta­tu­tory pro­vi­si­ons - in par­ti­cu­lar sta­tu­tory reten­ti­on peri­ods - remain unaf­fec­ted.

5. Social media

eRecht24 Safe Sharing Tool

Users may sha­re the con­tent of this web­si­te and its pages in a data pro­tec­ti­on law com­pli­ant man­ner on soci­al networks, such as Face­bo­ok, X et al. For this pur­po­se, this web­si­te uses the eRecht24 Safe Sha­ring Tool. This tool does not esta­blish a direct con­nec­ti­on betwe­en the network and the user until the user has acti­vely clic­ked on one of the but­tons. The click on this but­ton cons­ti­tu­tes con­tent as defi­ned in Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR and § 25 (1) TDDDG. This con­sent may be revo­ked by the user at any time, whi­ch shall affect all futu­re acti­ons.

This tool does not auto­ma­ti­cally trans­fer user data to the ope­ra­tors of the­se plat­forms. If the user is regis­te­red with one of the soci­al networks, an infor­ma­ti­on win­dow will pop up as soon as the soci­al media ele­ments of Face­bo­ok, X et al is used, whi­ch allows the user to con­firm the text pri­or to sen­ding it.

Our users have the opti­on to sha­re the con­tent of this web­si­te and its page in a data pro­tec­ti­on law com­pli­ant man­ner on soci­al networks, without enti­re brow­sing his­to­ri­es are being gene­ra­ted by the ope­ra­tors of the­se networks.

This ser­vi­ce is used to obtain the con­sent to the use of cer­tain tech­no­lo­gi­es requi­red by law. The legal basis for this is Art. 6(1)(c) GDPR.

6. Plug-ins and Tools

YouTube with expanded data protection integration

This web­si­te inte­gra­tes vide­os from the You­Tu­be web­si­te. The ope­ra­tor of the web­si­te is Goo­gle Ire­land Limi­ted (“Goo­gle”), Gor­don Hou­se, Bar­row Stre­et, Dublin 4, Ire­land.

When you visit one of the­se web­si­tes on whi­ch You­Tu­be is inte­gra­ted, a con­nec­ti­on to the You­Tu­be ser­vers is esta­blished. This tells the You­Tu­be ser­ver whi­ch of our pages you have visi­ted. If you are log­ged into your You­Tu­be account, you ena­ble You­Tu­be to assign your sur­fing beha­vi­or direc­tly to your per­so­nal pro­fi­le. You can pre­vent this by log­ging out of your You­Tu­be account.

We use You­Tu­be in exten­ded data pro­tec­ti­on mode. Accor­ding to You­Tu­be, vide­os that are played in exten­ded data pro­tec­ti­on mode are not used to per­so­na­li­ze brow­sing on You­Tu­be. Ads that are played in exten­ded data pro­tec­ti­on mode are also not per­so­na­li­zed. No coo­ki­es are set in exten­ded data pro­tec­ti­on mode. Ins­te­ad, so-cal­led local sto­ra­ge ele­ments are sto­red in the user's brow­ser, whi­ch con­tain per­so­nal data simi­lar to coo­ki­es and can be used for recog­ni­ti­on. Details on the exten­ded data pro­tec­ti­on mode can be found here:

After acti­va­ting a You­Tu­be video, further data pro­ces­sing ope­ra­ti­ons may be trig­ge­red over whi­ch we have no influ­en­ce.

The use of You­Tu­be is based on our inte­rest in pre­sen­ting our onli­ne con­tent in an appe­a­ling man­ner. Pur­su­ant to Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR, this is a legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest. If appro­pri­a­te con­sent has been obtai­ned, the pro­ces­sing is car­ri­ed out exclu­si­vely on the basis of Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR and § 25 (1) TDDDG, inso­far the con­sent inclu­des the sto­ra­ge of coo­ki­es or the access to infor­ma­ti­on in the user’s end devi­ce (e.g., devi­ce fin­ger­prin­ting) within the mea­ning of the TDDDG. This con­sent can be revo­ked at any time.

For more infor­ma­ti­on on how You­Tu­be han­dles user data, ple­a­se con­sult the You­Tu­be Data Pri­vacy Policy under:

The com­pany is cer­ti­fi­ed in accor­dan­ce with the “EU-US Data Pri­vacy Fra­mework” (DPF). The DPF is an agre­e­ment betwe­en the Euro­pe­an Uni­on and the US, whi­ch is inten­ded to ensu­re com­pli­an­ce with Euro­pe­an data pro­tec­ti­on stan­dards for data pro­ces­sing in the US. Every com­pany cer­ti­fi­ed under the DPF is obli­ged to com­ply with the­se data pro­tec­ti­on stan­dards. For more infor­ma­ti­on, ple­a­se con­tact the pro­vi­der under the fol­lowing link:

Google Fonts (local embedding)

This web­si­te uses so-cal­led Goo­gle Fonts pro­vi­ded by Goo­gle to ensu­re the uni­form use of fonts on this site. The­se Goo­gle fonts are locally ins­tal­led so that a con­nec­ti­on to Google’s ser­vers will not be esta­blished in con­junc­ti­on with this appli­ca­ti­on.

For more infor­ma­ti­on on Goo­gle Fonts, ple­a­se fol­low this link: and con­sult Google’s Data Pri­vacy Decla­ra­ti­on under:

Font Awesome

This page uses Font Awe­so­me for the uni­form repre­sen­ta­ti­on of fonts and sym­bols. Pro­vi­der is Fon­ti­cons, Inc. 6 Por­ter Road Apart­ment 3R, Cam­brid­ge, Mas­sa­chu­setts, USA.

When you call up a page, your brow­ser loads the requi­red fonts into its brow­ser cache to dis­play texts, fonts, and sym­bols cor­rec­tly. For this pur­po­se, the brow­ser you use must con­nect to the ser­vers of Font Awe­so­me. This allows Font Awe­so­me to know that your IP address has been used to access this web­si­te. The use of Font Awe­so­me is based on Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR. We have a legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest in the uni­form pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the type­fa­ce on our web­si­te. If appro­pri­a­te con­sent has been obtai­ned, the pro­ces­sing is car­ri­ed out exclu­si­vely on the basis of Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR and § 25 (1) TDDDG, inso­far the con­sent inclu­des the sto­ra­ge of coo­ki­es or the access to infor­ma­ti­on in the user’s end devi­ce (e.g., devi­ce fin­ger­prin­ting) within the mea­ning of the TDDDG. This con­sent can be revo­ked at any time.

If your brow­ser does not sup­port Font Awe­so­me, a stan­dard font from your com­pu­ter will be used.

Further infor­ma­ti­on about Font Awe­so­me can be found in the Font Awe­so­me pri­vacy policy at:


We have inte­gra­ted SolidWP into this web­si­te. The pro­vi­der is iThe­mes Media LLC, 1720 South Kelly Ave­nue Edmond, OK 73013, USA (herei­naf­ter refer­red to as “SolidWP”).

SolidWP pro­tects our web­si­te against unde­si­ra­ble access or mali­ci­ous cyber-attacks. For this pur­po­se, SolidWP records, among other things, your IP address, the time, and sour­ce of login attempts and log files (e.g., the uti­li­zed brow­ser). SolidWP is ins­tal­led locally on our ser­vers.

SolidWP trans­mits IP addres­ses of recur­ring attac­kers to a cen­tral data­ba­se of SolidWP in the US (Network Bru­te For­ce Pro­tec­ti­on) to pre­vent such attacks in the futu­re.

The use of SolidWP is based on Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR. The web­si­te ope­ra­tor has a legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest in pro­tec­ting its web­si­te opti­mally against cyber-attacks. If appro­pri­a­te con­sent has been obtai­ned, the pro­ces­sing is car­ri­ed out exclu­si­vely on the basis of Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR and § 25 (1) TDDDG, inso­far the con­sent inclu­des the sto­ra­ge of coo­ki­es or the access to infor­ma­ti­on in the user’s end devi­ce (e.g., devi­ce fin­ger­prin­ting) within the mea­ning of the TDDDG. This con­sent can be revo­ked at any time.

Ninja Firewall

We have inte­gra­ted Nin­ja Firewall on this web­si­te. The pro­vi­der is Nin­Te­ch­Net Limi­ted, Unit 1603, 16th Flo­or, The L. Pla­za 367 - 375 Queen‘s Road Cen­tral Sheung Wan, Hong Kong (herei­naf­ter refer­red to as “Nin­ja Firewall”).

Nin­ja Firewall pro­tects our web­si­te against unde­si­ra­ble access or mali­ci­ous cyber-attacks. For this pur­po­se, Nin­ja Firewall col­lects IP address, request, refer­rer, and the time of page access. Nin­ja Firewall is ins­tal­led locally on our ser­vers and does not trans­mit any per­so­nal data to the pro­vi­der of the tool or other third par­ti­es.

We have ena­bled IP anony­mi­za­ti­on for Nin­ja Firewall, so that the tool only col­lects the IP address in a shor­te­ned form.

The use of Nin­ja Firewall is based on Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR. The web­si­te ope­ra­tor has a legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest in the most effec­ti­ve pro­tec­ti­on of his web­si­te against cybe­rat­tacks.

Our social media appearances

This privacy policy applies to the following social media presence

Data processing through social networks

We main­tain publi­cly avai­la­ble pro­fi­les in soci­al networks. The indi­vi­du­al soci­al networks we use can be found below.

Soci­al networks such as Face­bo­ok, X etc. can gene­rally analy­ze your user beha­vi­or com­prehen­si­vely if you visit their web­si­te or a web­si­te with inte­gra­ted soci­al media con­tent (e.g., like but­tons or ban­ner ads). When you visit our soci­al media pages, nume­rous data pro­tec­ti­on-rele­vant pro­ces­sing ope­ra­ti­ons are trig­ge­red. In detail:

If you are log­ged in to your soci­al media account and visit our soci­al media page, the ope­ra­tor of the soci­al media por­tal can assign this visit to your user account. Under cer­tain cir­cums­tan­ces, your per­so­nal data may also be recor­ded if you are not log­ged in or do not have an account with the res­pec­ti­ve soci­al media por­tal. In this case, this data is col­lec­ted, for exam­ple, via coo­ki­es sto­red on your devi­ce or by recor­ding your IP address.

Using the data col­lec­ted in this way, the ope­ra­tors of the soci­al media por­tals can cre­a­te user pro­fi­les in whi­ch their pre­fe­ren­ces and inte­rests are sto­red. This way you can see inte­rest-based adver­ti­sing insi­de and out­si­de of your soci­al media pre­sen­ce. If you have an account with the soci­al network, inte­rest-based adver­ti­sing can be dis­played on any devi­ce you are log­ged in to or have log­ged in to.

Ple­a­se also note that we can­not retra­ce all pro­ces­sing ope­ra­ti­ons on the soci­al media por­tals. Depen­ding on the pro­vi­der, addi­ti­o­nal pro­ces­sing ope­ra­ti­ons may the­re­fo­re be car­ri­ed out by the ope­ra­tors of the soci­al media por­tals. Details can be found in the terms of use and pri­vacy policy of the res­pec­ti­ve soci­al media por­tals.

Legal basis

Our soci­al media appe­a­ran­ces should ensu­re the widest pos­si­ble pre­sen­ce on the Inter­net. This is a legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest within the mea­ning of Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. The analy­sis pro­ces­ses ini­ti­a­ted by the soci­al networks may be based on diver­gent legal bases to be spe­ci­fi­ed by the ope­ra­tors of the soci­al networks (e.g., con­sent within the mea­ning of Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR).

Responsibility and assertion of rights

If you visit one of our soci­al media sites (e.g., Face­bo­ok), we, together with the ope­ra­tor of the soci­al media plat­form, are res­pon­si­ble for the data pro­ces­sing ope­ra­ti­ons trig­ge­red during this visit. You can in prin­ci­ple pro­tect your rights (infor­ma­ti­on, cor­rec­ti­on, dele­ti­on, limi­ta­ti­on of pro­ces­sing, data por­ta­bi­lity and com­plaint) vis-à-vis us as well as vis-à-vis the ope­ra­tor of the res­pec­ti­ve soci­al media por­tal (e.g., Face­bo­ok).

Ple­a­se note that des­pi­te the sha­red res­pon­si­bi­lity with the soci­al media por­tal ope­ra­tors, we do not have full influ­en­ce on the data pro­ces­sing ope­ra­ti­ons of the soci­al media por­tals. Our opti­ons are deter­mi­ned by the com­pany policy of the res­pec­ti­ve pro­vi­der.

Storage time

The data col­lec­ted direc­tly from us via the soci­al media pre­sen­ce will be dele­ted from our sys­tems as soon as you ask us to dele­te it, you revo­ke your con­sent to the sto­ra­ge or the pur­po­se for the data sto­ra­ge lap­ses. Sto­red coo­ki­es remain on your devi­ce until you dele­te them. Man­da­tory sta­tu­tory pro­vi­si­ons - in par­ti­cu­lar, reten­ti­on peri­ods - remain unaf­fec­ted.

We have no con­trol over the sto­ra­ge dura­ti­on of your data that are sto­red by the soci­al network ope­ra­tors for their own pur­po­ses. For details, ple­a­se con­tact the soci­al network ope­ra­tors direc­tly (e.g., in their pri­vacy policy, see below).

Your rights

You have the right to recei­ve infor­ma­ti­on about the ori­gin, reci­pi­ent and pur­po­se of your sto­red per­so­nal data at any time and free of char­ge. You also have the right to object, the right to data por­ta­bi­lity and the right to file a com­plaint with the res­pon­si­ble regu­la­tory agency. Further­mo­re, you can request the cor­rec­ti­on, bloc­king, dele­ti­on and, under cer­tain cir­cums­tan­ces, the res­tric­ti­on of the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data.

Individual social networks


We have a pro­fi­le on XING. The pro­vi­der is New Work SE, Damm­tors­traße 30, 20354 Ham­burg, Ger­many. Details on their han­dling of your per­so­nal data can be found in the XING Pri­vacy Policy:


We have a Lin­ke­dIn pro­fi­le. The pro­vi­der is the Lin­ke­dIn Ire­land Unli­mi­ted Com­pany, Wil­ton Pla­za, Wil­ton Pla­ce, Dublin 2, Ire­land. Lin­ke­dIn uses adver­ti­sing coo­ki­es.

If you want to disa­ble Lin­ke­dIn adver­ti­sing coo­ki­es, ple­a­se use the fol­lowing link:

Data trans­mis­si­on to the US is based on the Stan­dard Con­trac­tu­al Clau­ses (SCC) of the Euro­pe­an Com­mis­si­on. Details can be found here: and

For details on how they han­dle your per­so­nal infor­ma­ti­on, ple­a­se refer to LinkedIn's pri­vacy policy:

Prof. Dr. Vera de Hesselle

Pro­fa. Dra. Vera de Hes­sel­le

Per­fis soci­ais